Friday, January 10, 2014

Color Smash postmortem

When I heard about the New Year's Game Jam, I thought it would be perfect for my first game of the year. Unfortunately, I had some other plans for New Year's Eve which meant that I had a shorter period of time to develop this game. This is the postmortem for that game.

What went right

When I went to the NYGJ site to find out how the challenge worked, I noticed that they did not specify a theme.  Having the option to do anything is nice but if you can't decide what you want to do then there is little chance you will finish a project within such a short timeframe. Having a plan, at least in your head, is important for really time-restricted projects. Thankfully the site had a theme generator (1GAM had not released their January theme yet so I couldn't use that). While the theme I was given, click the button, was rather generic, it was enough to get me to focus on a whack-a-mole style of game.

Mixed blessings

Knowing that I was going to only have a short period of time to work on this game was both a disadvantage and an advantage. By anticipating a short development time I opted to go with a much simpler game than I would have liked to but it also meant that I was able to finish the game and even get a slight polishing pass.

What went wrong

Perhaps anticipating a New Years Eve party is what caused me to make a rookie mistake but a simple order order of execution bug stumped me.  With Flash, it is important to remember that the last playhead adjustment is the one that gets executed. This means a gotoAndPlay() followed by a stop() is not going to work well. This is a fairly obvious bug, but in my case things were a slight bit more complicated so obvious sequence was hidden from me.

For the lights I dispatch an event when an animation sequence finished playing then going to the default "off" animation to wait for orders to change the color of the lights. The problem is that the event dispatcher actually calls the event handling functions before returning. This means I tell my main game that it is time to start the next animation, which calls the light to set the color to the new value causing a gotoAndPlay() call to the appropriate color appearing animation. When the dispatcher returns, the light goes to the default off animation. Simply by moving the gotoAndPlay("off") call to before the dispatchEvent call solved the problem.

This bug is an important reminder that it is important to think about when things get executed. As the trend of having more cores instead of faster speeds continue, future speed gains will come from taking advantage of multiple cores, meaning that I expect to have to write more threaded code in the future. This makes order of execution issues even more prevalent.

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